Most vehicles today run through low voltage circuits. Connecting to these circuits will cause damage to the vehicle and your device will not work properly.
We employ fully trained certified technicians that understand the complexity of today’s vehicles and how to effectively install your GPS tracking system or mobile electronics devices to specifications set forth by the manufacturer.
Using the installation principals set forth in the MECP installer guidelines we only use up to date digital metering equipment and installation techniques so we can assure you of a damage free install. We also use posi lock wire connectors with a soldered ground screw connector wire to assure the strongest connection with the least chance of failure.
What We Offer
Professional GPS Tracking and Mobile Electronic Device Installation
Mobile Auto Electronic Installation
12 Volt Wire Repair
Home and personal GPS Installation (Teen Drivers)
Back Up Camera Installation
Fleet GPS Installation Service
Vehicle Diagnostic Scanning (including large trucks)
Covert Installation
Bank and Lending Institution Tracking Installation (Starter Interrupt)
Grow Your Vision
Step into peace of mind with the Boston GPS Services tailored to your own convenience.
Let our experts meet with you to know more about your business and GPS needs.